How to Meet People in Ravensworth Farm
by Steve Beste
The best way to meet people here is to introduce yourself to your immediate neighbors. If you’re outside doing yard work or walking your dog, chat with the people who pass by. We’re blessed to have sidewalks and people using them. We met our best friends when the mom was walking her toddler around the block, needed a bathroom quickly, saw the kid toys in our yard, and knocked on our door.
If you have children, consider joining the pool. Kids love it, and the parents all meet each other as they watch the kids.
I’m shy, so what I like to do is work with people on some project. For me, that’s easier than sitting around talking to strangers. And I get a sense of peoples’ gifts, working with them. If that’s you, here are some places to volunteer for projects, short or long, as you please:
Join the Ravensworth Farm Civic Association board. We meet once a month during the school year. You’ll hear about everything that’s happening in the neighborhood. Just show up at one of those meetings and check it out.
Gardening? Join the Green Thumb Garden Club.
Schools? We have superb schools. Keep them that way by joining the PTA.
Environment? Join the Friends of Lake Accotink Park or just showup for their monthly park cleanup drill. You’ll make yourself useful and make some like-minded friends.